Students and families at University of the Pacific now have just one location on the Stockton campus for administrative services. It’s one stop for questions and tasks concerning admissions, financial aid, registering for classes, housing, billing and ID cards.
Pacific’s One-Stop Student Center was inspired by students who asked for a more seamless way to navigate enrollment tasks. Check into the Welcome Center at Burns Tower. Then take the pathway behind the tower straight to Knoles Hall. The One-Stop Student Center is on the first floor.
“Students [and their families] will be able to get answers and support for many of their university business needs,” said Vice President of Business and Finance Ken Mullen. “Staff will have contact with one another more often to create an even better environment in which students transact their university business.”
The space has a lounge area with four offices that staff can use to meet privately with students. There is also a large office that can accommodate a family or small group of people.
One-Stop Student Center staff cannot help with a specific request, they will ensure students get to the right place.
“We will have student workers who will walk the student or family member directly to the place they need to go,” said Vice President of Enrollment Strategy Chris Ferguson, who has led the charge in creating the new space.
A complementary digital directory where students can access all administrative services is also available on Pacific’s website.