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Tips to make achievable new semester resolutions

Your semester resolutions don’t all have to be academic-based. If you want to branch out socially this semester, try attending more events, like Club Fair, to meet new people and learn about ways to get involved on campus.

Spring semester is here, and you know what that means — it’s time to write your new semester resolutions! Like New Year’s resolutions, these objectives will help you stay motivated and will hold you accountable throughout the semester.

Statistics show that many people are unable to keep their resolutions because they are too vague and too difficult, but this will not be you. Whether you’ve been itching to get back on campus or are avoiding the idea of school as much as possible, these tips will help you make attainable goals to have a great spring semester at Pacific. 

Make SMART Goals

The journal, Management Review, coined the acronym SMART in 1981. It stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. Consider all aspects of SMART when writing your goals.

  • Specific. Avoid being vague and specifically describe actions in addition to habits you will change to achieve your resolution. For example, if you want to get better grades, a resolution could be “I will start studying at the library at least three days before an exam.”
  • Measurable. Evidence you can point to, such as numbers, can help provide reassurance that our resolutions are being achieved. We can alter our goals to include variables like scores, averages and rankings to make them measurable. For example, if you want to exercise more at Baun Fitness Center this semester, write down your weights and repetitions to track your progress.
  • Achievable. We want our goal to be challenging, yet still achievable. You can create a variety of levels of goals to keep morale high throughout the entire semester. Step out of your comfort zone and apply for that on-campus job on Handshake or support your peers and attend Pacific athletic games this semester.
  • Relevant. Is your goal significant to you? Don’t choose a goal because of someone else’s influence. Ensure your goal is relevant to your own success and happiness. Maybe your goal is to improve your mental well-being this semester. Choose the approach that best works for you, whether that is making more time for friends, scheduling an appointment with CAPS, or allotting time for yourself every day to de-stress. 
  • Time bound. Restrictions, such as time, can help you track your progress with your goal. However, be open to change and allow yourself to adjust time frames as the year progresses. If you’ve been struggling with your goal to make at least one new friend every week, change the time frame to two weeks or a month. 

Physically write down your goals

Have you noticed that you can recall more information when you write things out? Don’t just keep these goals in your head for you to push to the side and forget. Write them out and put reminders of them in places you frequent. Tape them to your mirror. Write them on your calendar. Set reminders on your phone. You get the idea.

Have fun

Your semester resolutions do not have to be your typical academic-based school-related goals. Think outside of the box and recall opportunities you missed out on last semester that you want to achieve during the spring. If you missed Block Party in the fall, no worries — there is Tigerlands in the spring! Follow @pacificasuop on Instagram to keep up to date with the latest Pacific events and giveaways.

If you’re a bit stuck, no worries. Here are a few prompts to help you get started:

One habit I will build this semester…

This semester, I will learn how to…

One new place I will visit this spring…

To de-stress this semester I will…

It’s great to be back on campus! Oh, how I’ve missed blueberry muffins from the UC and Americanos from Trail. Now get to writing your semester resolutions, so you can have a great first week back and an even better spring semester.

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