Don’t miss these events at Homecoming Weekend 2023October 12, 2023June 21, 2024by Megan NishimuraSchool
Pacific comes together for World Cup soccerDecember 5, 2022December 5, 2022by People of PacificLifestyle
Water Polo 101: Cheer on Men’s Water Polo with this quick primerDecember 2, 2022March 7, 2023by Megan NishimuraLifestyle
Things to do in and around Stockton in DecemberDecember 1, 2022December 19, 2023by People of PacificLifestyle
Things to do in and around Stockton in NovemberNovember 3, 2022July 22, 2024by People of PacificLifestyle
Things to do in and around Stockton in OctoberOctober 3, 2022July 22, 2024by People of PacificLifestyle
Free concert series showcases talents of conservatory facultySeptember 23, 2022December 19, 2023by People of PacificLifestyle
Here’s how you can see world-class chamber music performances on campusSeptember 15, 2022June 9, 2023by People of PacificLifestyle
Use your PacificCard for a discount at these must-check out Miracle Mile spotsSeptember 12, 2022April 12, 2024by People of PacificLifestyle