Accessibility Resources & Feedback Form
Pacific strives to provide access to its community members (students, employees, vendors, visitors, applicants) to facilities and websites. This page provides contact information for the resources available.
Contact Information for Students
Web: Services for Students with Disabilities
McCaffrey Center — First Floor Rm 116
Phone: 209.946.3221, Fax: 209.946.2278, email:
Daniel Nuss, Director 209.946.3221, email:
McGeorge School of Law
Web: Disabled Student Services
Rebekah Grodsky, Interim Assistant Dean — 916.739.7177, email:
Other Programs
Heather Dunn Carlton, Associate Dean of Students — 209.946.2177, email:
San Francisco
Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry
Daniel Bender, Asst Dean, Academic Affairs — 415.929.6437, email:
Accessibility Feedback Form
University of the Pacific is committed to inclusivity and providing equal access to its community members (students, employees, vendors, visitors, applicants) to facilities and websites. In order to help us improve access, please complete the form to provide your feedback on accessing facilities, website, or digital content. Your name and email address are not necessary unless you would like us to contact you.