Ann Miller

Ann Miller

Program Director for Strings

Celebrated violinist Dr. Ann Miller has appeared in concert halls throughout North America, Europe and Asia. At home performing music spanning the Baroque era to the present day, Miller enjoys a varied career as a chamber musician, soloist and educator.

A proponent of new music, Miller made her New York debut as a soloist with the New Juilliard Ensemble in Alice Tully Hall in the North American premiere of David Matthews' Concerto No. 2. An avid chamber musician, she is a member of Trio 180, the piano trio-in-residence at University of the Pacific. In addition to performing in Canada, Mexico and the U.S., the trio continued to perform online concerts during the COVID 19 pandemic. As part of its 20th anniversary in 2022, Trio 180 commissioned and premiered works by Dorothy Chang, Cindy Cox, Andrew Conklin, Richard Einhorn and Reinaldo Moya.

Miller’s recent solo appearances have included performances of Beethoven’s Violin Concerto with the Zion Chamber Orchestra; “the Barber Violin Concerto” with the Dinu Lipatti Philharmonic Orchestra in Satu Mare, Romania; and Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto with the Mariposa Symphony in Yosemite National Park. As a recitalist, Miller frequently collaborates with pianist Sonia Leong and has appeared on Old First Concerts in San Francisco and the University of the Pacific's Resident Artist Series. Their debut album, “Perspectives on Light and Shadow,” features sonatas by Ysaÿe and Bartók.

Miller holds her Master of Music and Doctor of Musical Arts degrees from the Juilliard School, and she received her Bachelor of Music, summa cum laude, from Rice University. Her teachers have included Ronald Copes and Kathleen Winkler; her chamber music coaches have included Jerome Lowenthal, Seymour Lipkin, Robert McDonald, Norman Fischer, James Dunham, Paul Katz and members of the Juilliard and Tokyo string quartets. In addition to her passion for music, she enjoys hiking and reading. 


BM, Rice University

MM, DMA, Julliard School of Music