Bidisha Burman
Bidisha Burman is a visiting professor of Marketing in the Eberhardt School of Business. She received her Ph.D. from Louisiana State University. Her primary teaching responsibilities include Marketing Research, Product Innovation, and Marketing Management (undergraduate and graduate). Other marketing courses taught include Consumer Behavior, Integrated Marketing Communications, and Introduction to Sustainability.
Her research interests are primarily pricing and advertising. Other areas of her work include sustainability marketing, judgment and decision making, and services marketing.
Her work has been published in the Journal of Business Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Product and Brand Management, Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, and among other journals. She has also presented her research at national and international conferences conducted by the Academy of Marketing Science, Association for Consumer Research, American Marketing Association, Society for Marketing Advances, Fordham University Behavioral Pricing Center, and others.
Dr. Burman is currently on the Editorial Review Board of Journal of Consumer Marketing and has served as ad hoc reviewer for Journal of Business Research, Journal of Product and Brand Management, Journal of Product Innovation Management, among others as well as many national conferences including American Marketing Association, Academy of Marketing Science, Society for Consumer Psychology, and others. She has also served as a conference co-chair for 2020 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference.
Her doctoral dissertation was judged as one of three finalists at the Academy of Marketing Science Doctoral Dissertation Competition. As a doctoral student, she was also a Society for Marketing Advances Doctoral Consortium Fellow and the recipient of a Best Student Paper Award by American Marketing Association.
Louisiana State University, PhD