Charlane Starks
Reflection is a fundamental, cyclical aspect of teaching and learning in the classroom. Constructing knowledge---what we know, believe and how we form our opinions- based on lived experiences, is an introspective action that links humanity from one person to another. That said, an educator is both facilitator and participant in the classroom community. They build the community by establishing trustworthy relationships so that conversations are safe expressions of self and acceptance of the others in a space created for listening without judgment, where all voices are heard.
Ed.D. University of the Pacific Curriculum and Instruction 2014
M.A. California State University Sacramento Curriculum and Instruction 2010
California Teaching Credential: Multiple Subjects
B.A. Fashion Merchandising Western Michigan University 1987
- Urban Education
- Pedagogical Influences
- Social Justice and Equity
My research interest focuses on contributing to a deeper understanding of how to prepare and support teacher development through frameworks that draw upon constructivism, identity, and reflection on teaching and social practices in the classroom and school community.