Leonard Ott
Leonard (Lenny) Ott holds a Bachelor of Arts, cum laude, in trumpet performance from California State University, Hayward. Since graduating in 1987, Lenny has enjoyed a successful free-lance career regularly playing with Modesto Symphony, Oakland East Bay Symphony, Monterey Symphony, Napa Symphony, Tutti Forza Trumpet Quartet, Carmel Bach Festival, the former Sacramento Symphony, and occasionally with the San Francisco Symphony. Lenny continues performing solo recitals, having premiered works by Anthony Kelly and Aaron Blumenfield, and compliments his work with plenty of teaching at University of the Pacific, Chabot College, as well as a home studio. His former accomplishments include playing with Bel Canto Brass Quintet Community Concert Recitals series, touring throughout California; the Classic Brass Quintet, performing at Marine World theme park; The Berkeley Shakespeare Music Festival as music director; and European tours with the Broadway show "A Chorus Line."
BA, California State University-East Bay