Rachelle Hackett
In both my professional and personal life there are two characteristics I value in others and strive to express myself: I want to be aware and I want to act responsibly. Although I am not a philosopher, I think of "awareness" as a prerequisite for "responsible action."
Since research is a means of developing knowledge, I am very excited about being able to play a role in training others to design studies, analyze data, and critique empirical studies conducted by others. In essence, I see my job as one of providing students with tools they can use to increase their own awareness. As a result, I hope they will then be in a more informed position to make decisions affecting themselves and others.What particularly pleases me is when students are not only able to appropriately apply these tools in generating research findings, but when their knowledge of these tools helps shape the manner in which their problems are conceptualized.
Ph. D., Stanford University Education, 1994
M. S., Stanford University Statistics, 1986
B. A., California State University, Fresno Psychology, 1982
- Educational and Psychological Measurement
- Mathematics Education
- Educational Research Design and Methodology