Tracey DelNero
Tracey DelNero, DMSc, PA-C, graduated from the Western University of Health Sciences PA program in 1999. She earned a Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies from Touro College in 2014 and a Doctor of Medical Science from the University of Lynchburg in 2020. Her clinical background is in family medicine and geriatrics. Dr. DelNero has held several positions in PA education since 2000. In 2015, she transitioned to Pacific as a founding faculty member.
Dr. DelNero has received numerous professional recognitions throughout her career. She has received national recognition for her professional service: the PAEA Leadership Development Award (2023) and the PAEA Clinical Educator Award (2014). She is an AAPA Distinguished Fellow and a Pi Alpha Physician Assistant Honor Society member. She has also received several Teaching Excellence awards, both peer and student nominated. She strongly values service to the profession. Since 2014, Dr. DelNero has represented California PAs in the AAPA House of Delegates. She serves as an ARC-PA Accreditation Reconsideration Panel member. She is active in local, state, and national PA. She has provided professional lectures for multiple local, state, and national organizations. She has numerous publications and presentations focused on interprofessional education.
When not working, Dr. DelNero can be found spending time with her family, traveling, or fitting in a quick trip to Disneyland.