
Academic Technology Blueprint Progress

Academic Technology Blueprint Progress

In July 2016, the Provost tasked the Academic Technology Strategic Technology Planning Group (ATSTP) with assessing Pacific's existing technology infrastructure and evaluating strategies to advance Pacific's use of technology to support student learning and faculty scholarship. Although a final version of the Blueprint was not produced, significant progress has been made in support of the goals outlined in the Blueprint. That progress of the work is highlighted in this report.

From July until September 2016, the group collaborated with other faculty and staff and created a draft Technology Blueprint for Pacific focused on three key strategies:
      1. Modernize learning spaces,
      2. Enhance personalized learning, and
      3. Extend support for faculty and student scholarship.

The Blueprint was then circulated across the institution. Faculty gave input via a survey and a three-campus listening tour with open faculty forums in September and October 2016. The committee used the responses from the faculty survey to influence the final draft. Forty-nine faculty completed the survey with the majority of them indicating support for the Blueprint and the strategies outlined within it.

Due to the departure of the project lead, the committee's work was paused prior to translating the Blueprint into a document detailing budgets, lines of responsibility, evaluation metrics and timeline.