
Simple tricks for staying active

Simple tricks for staying active

You know exercise is good for you. But when your to-do list is a mile long, it can be easy to write off your workouts. To get back on track, focus on simple ways you can move more and more often.

Find your fit: Staying active is easier when your workouts don’t feel like work. Maybe treadmills and barbells aren’t your thing. But what about dancing? Shooting hoops? Walking on a sunny day? That’s exercise.

Divide and conquer: Exercise adds up. So, if you don’t have a solid 30 minutes to spare, break it up into 10-minute bursts of activity, three times a day instead. The health benefits are the same.

Make commuting your cardio: Walk or bike to your job for a workout that’s built into your workday. If that’s not an option, park farther away—or get off the bus or train a few stops early—and walk the rest of the way.

Staff and employees also can stay active with the LIFT Session Virtual Fitness app available through Pacific’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP). The LIFT Session Virtual Fitness app combines technology and interactions with live coaches to create a convenient solution to work out safely at maximum efficiency, achieve results faster and have fun.

Visit for additional tips to stay active.