
Volunteers make masks to enhance safety at Dugoni School

Volunteers make masks to enhance safety at Dugoni School

A message of gratitude from Nader A. Nadershahi, dean of the Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry: 

The word philanthropy shares the Greek roots “philos,” representing “love” and “anthropos,” representing “humanity.” There has not been a time in my life where the love of humanity has been on display any more clearly or vibrantly as it is today. 

One simple way to give to others is through volunteering your time and talent. Volunteerism among the Dugoni School family comes in many forms and I would like to share one example of some good work that has touched my heart. 

As we prepared our plan to come back to our school home safely, a group has been volunteering to make face coverings for use by the school family and for others who may need them. 

Thank you to Valeria Donald, Registered Dental Assistant, for your leadership in this effort, and to the members of the Dental Staff Advisory Council, our Employee Volunteer Opportunities Committee and others who have been involved in creating these fun and functional face coverings. 

A collection of the face coverings was delivered to the Department of Human Resources. They will work with the volunteers on how to make them available. Thank you for caring and using your time and talent to give to our Dugoni School family. 

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill 

Be well, stay safe and continue caring for one another.