
Wellness news: Avoiding summer heat hazards

Wellness news: Avoiding summer heat hazards

From picnics to cottages, to patios: summer is a favorite time of year for most people. The hot weather and long days allow us to enjoy a lot of time outdoors, but as the temperature and humidity rises, so does the risk for heat-related illness. Dehydration, heat exhaustion and other serious conditions can bring a bad end to a good time. Luckily, by following these tips you can keep your cool and prevent yourself from overheating.

Dress the part
Wear lightweight, loose-fitting and light-colored clothing instead of dark, tight clothes that hold in heat.

Prevent sunburns
Use an umbrella or a light-colored hat to protect yourself from the sun and regularly apply sunscreen to exposed skin.

Eat for the season
Heavy and hot meals only add heat to your body. Try enjoying a diet of cold summer foods like salad and seafood.

Keep rooms cool
Close windows, curtains and blinds in the morning to block the sun's rays and to keep your home cool throughout the day. Try opening the windows at night to let in fresh, cool air.

Find shelter
Spending some time in an air-conditioned building is the best way to escape high temperatures. If you don't have air conditioning at home, shopping malls, movie theaters and libraries are all great places to stay cool.

Get wet
Bathe, shower and soak your feet regularly for an instant cool down.

Shift your routine
If you exercise outdoors, try getting active in the morning or evening when it's likely to be cooler outside and the air quality—especially on muggy days—tends to be better.

Keep an eye out
During a heat wave, regularly check in on family, friends and neighbors.

Know the signs
Know that if you or someone you're with starts to experience weakness, headaches, dizziness, muscle cramps, nausea, vomiting or a rapid heartbeat following sun exposure—you are probably suffering from a heat-related illness.

It's hard not to overindulge during the sunny skies and hot weather of summer, especially if you're in an area where winter consumes more than half your year. By following the simple steps above, you'll stay cool, safe and ensure you get the most out of what the summer has to offer.

Find more tips on avoiding heat hazards.