
Wellness news: Finding the right balance with social media

Wellness news: Finding the right balance with social media

Social media has not only transformed the way we communicate but also the way we develop and maintain relationships. Just a decade ago, we talked face-to-face with family and friends. But today, most of us also have dozens of virtual friends — people we know only through online social media sites. They can be professional contacts on LinkedIn, followers on Twitter or those with similar interests on Pinterest. In fact, 1.2 billion people worldwide spend hours on Facebook sharing their lives, commenting on issues, offering advice, playing games, and posting jokes and amusing videos.

Is this growing dependence on social media good or bad for our mental health? Is it bolstering our self-esteem or is it causing anxiety?

The answer is "yes" to both.  

Social Media can be good for our mental health because it allows us to maintain family and cultural ties, find old friends, make new friends, improve our self-esteem and have company at any time, in any place.

Social Media usage can also lead to insecurity and inferiority, jealousy and resentment, anxiety and bullying.

If being on social media is causing negative feelings, try to reduce the number of posts and comments you make, limit your time online and expand your real-life social network. Real-life relationships are harder but can also be deeper, more meaningful and long-lasting — and no one is perfect.

Also, always remember to avoid comparing yourself to others. Remember that people's lives might sound better than yours, but the reality is that they too have problems — they just don't mention them on social media.

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