Accelerate your degree completion

Fast-track your degree with University of the Pacific's pipeline and pathway programs. Work with your home institution and Pacific to create a plan to your degree that works for you.


Accounting Transfer 2+3 Pipeline Program

Accepted transfer students are eligible for admission to the Dual Degree Program in Accounting that culminates with the simultaneous award of the Bachelor in Accounting and the Master of Accounting degrees. Please note that students are packaged for financial aid as undergraduates during the time that they are participating in this program.


Computer Science Transfer 2+3 Pipeline Program

Pacific offers prospective transfer students the opportunity to complete their lower-division requirements at their community college and transition seamlessly into the University's Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Degree program. Pacific's guaranteed Cooperative Education Program (paid internships!) further assists students with substantial income, practical experience, and job placement. Participating students receive the following:

  • Guaranteed admission (contingent upon a satisfactory admission application) 
  • Pacific Library services
  • Pacific Parking 
  • Free drop-in tutoring at Pacific 
  • Ability to join Pacific student professional chapters of national professional societies 
  • Supplemental academic advising

For more information, visit the Transferring to SOECS page or contact Maureen Laird at or 209.932.2973.


Engineering Transfer 2+3 Pipeline Program

Pacific offers prospective transfer students the opportunity to complete their lower division requirements at San Joaquin Delta College or Modesto Junior College and transition seamlessly into the University's Bachelor of Science in Engineering program. Pacific's guaranteed Cooperative Education Program (paid internships!) further assists students with substantial income, practical experience, and job placement. Participating students receive the following:

  • Guaranteed admission (contingent upon a satisfactory admission application)
  • Pacific Library services
  • Pacific Parking
  • Free drop-in tutoring at Pacific
  • Ability to join Pacific student professional chapters of national professional societies 
  • Supplemental academic advising

For more information, visit the Transferring to SOECS page or contact Maureen Laird at or 209.932.2973.


McGeorge School of Law Transfer Admission Agreement 2+2+3 Pipeline Program

This program is a three-party agreement between the prospective student, his/her community college, and University of the Pacific. An approved TAA-McGeorge School of Law application guarantees admission to Pacific when specific pre-requisites and GPA minimums have been met. If the prospective transfer student satisfies all the TAA-McGeorge School of Law requirements, they will earn a baccalaureate degree from Pacific in a chosen academic program and be offered admission to McGeorge School of Law.

Download the McGeorge School of Law Transfer Agreement Form (pdf)