This Can’t Be Happening to Me Today: Ensuring Your Office is Prepared for Medical Emergencies
This Can’t Be Happening to Me Today: Ensuring Your Office is Prepared for Medical Emergencies
09:00 a.m. - 04:00 p.m.
Medical emergencies can occur unexpectedly, even within a dental office, underscoring the importance of preparedness. Effective coordination and communication between the dentist and staff are critical in such situations. This lecture course is designed to help you prepare your office for emergencies by focusing on prevention, early recognition and appropriate treatment.
Dr. Naftalin will discuss the procedures and protocols that can be immediately implemented in your office. He will cover topics such as the pharmaceutical composition and pharmacokinetics of your emergency kit, improving communication with the entire staff during emergencies and managing various emergency situations. These include recognizing, responding to and treating syncope, hyperventilation, foreign body aspiration, allergy and anaphylaxis, acute asthmatic episodes, hypoglycemic shock, seizures and chest pain.
You Will Learn
- To effectively prepare your dental team and office for a medical emergency
- To communicate and work as a team during an emergency
- To manage and treat medical emergencies in your dental office
- To effectively debrief your dental team after a medical emergency
Who Should Attend
This informative program is intended for general dentists, specialists and allied dental professionals working in private practice settings.
Tuition: $325 Dentists; $215 Allied Dental Professionals
Program: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Location: Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, 155 Fifth Street, SF
Credits: This activity is designated for 6 units of continuing education credit.
Program includes lunch and morning coffee/tea service.
Lenny Naftalin, DDS, is a dentist anesthesiologist who provides hospital-quality anesthesia and sedation services in dental offices through his mobile anesthesiology practice in Southern California. He is the anesthesia director at Century City Outpatient Surgery Center, where he provides full scope dental anesthesia care for patients undergoing surgeries. He earned a DDS degree from USC School of Dentistry and completed a general practice residency at the VA in West Los Angeles. He then completed a dental anesthesia residency at UCLA School of Dentistry. He maintains a part-time teaching position at UCLA in both the dental anesthesia and pediatric dental departments. Dr. Naftalin is currently president of the American Society of Dentist Anesthesiologists and has served on the board of the California Society of Dentist Anesthesiologists. He is a past president of the American Dental Board of Anesthesiology where he remains as an oral board examiner and an exam developer. He is also a past president and former editor for the Southern California Society of Dentistry for Children.