Update on Infection Control and the California Dental Practice Act
Update on Infection Control and the California Dental Practice Act
09:00 a.m. - 01:00 p.m.
Update on Dental Infection Control Precautions
John A. Molinari, PhD
Dentistry has faced a number of infection control challenges as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. These include expanding the application of standard and transmission-based precautions from what had been used prior to 2020. Governmental agencies, such as the CDC and CAL/OSHA, published recommendations aimed at protecting healthcare professionals from airborne microbial diseases. The impact of both long-standing precautions and the most recent science-based infection control updates will be presented as they
relate to dental practice. A primary goal of this course is to help dental professionals increase their understanding of the “why” as well as the “what” of infection control procedures.
You Will Learn
- The application of standard and transmission precautions as foundations of infection prevention
- To interpret the most recent infection control updates from the CDC and CAL/OSHA
- To describe current healthcare worker vaccination recommendations
- To explain compliance with environmental surface asepsis procedures
- To comprehend practical strategies to minimize DUWL contamination
- California Dental Practice Act
Ali Oromchian, JD, LLM
The California Dental Practice Act is the chapter of the California Business & Professions Code that contains the basic body of laws governing dentistry. California law requires that every dental professional must have a grasp of that basic body of the law, together with the related portions of the California Code of Regulations and selected other California statutes. This webinar will summarize the Dental Practice Act and related laws throughout the current year.
You Will Learn
- To describe the legal role and responsibilities of dentists and dental auxiliaries
- To distinguish between direct and indirect supervision and define which auxiliary responsibilities are in each category
- To interpret the various laws regarding licenses in the dental profession
Who Should Attend
The Dental Board of California requires that all dentists, registered dental hygienists and registered dental assistants take two units each of dental law and infection control every two years.
Tuition: $145
Program: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Format: Live, interactive webinar via Zoom
Credits: This activity is designated for 4 units of continuing education credit.
John A. Molinari, PhD, earned a PhD in microbiology from University of Pittsburgh and subsequently worked as a faculty member in its School of Dental Medicine. He is currently professor emeritus at University of Detroit Mercy, where he served for 32 years as professor and chair of the Department of Biomedical Sciences and director of infection control. He was infection control director for Dental Advisor and has served as an infectious disease consultant for the CDC, ADA and regional hospitals. He has published more than 500 scientific articles, text chapters and abstracts in the areas of microbiology and immunology, and lectures internationally on infectious diseases and infection control.
Ali Oromchian, JD, LLM, is one of the nation’s leading legal authorities on topics relevant to dentists. He is the founding attorney of Dental & Medical Counsel, PC, regarded as one of the pre-eminent healthcare law firms devoted exclusively to healthcare professionals. Oromchian is frequently quoted and has written articles for Progressive Dentist, Progressive Orthodontist, Dentistry Today, Dentaltown and The New Dentist magazines. Additionally, he founded HR for Health, which is the leader in providing web-based human resources solutions and advice for dentists.