The Cheminar
The Cheminar
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
The Cheminar: Visualizing T Cell Signaling at the Single Molecule Level
Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2022 — 11 a.m. to Noon — Classroom Bldg. 170
Zach Katz
Research Biology Dept
T cells rely on the precise recognition of presented antigenic peptides among a sea of other signaling molecules and extracellular stimuli. A series of critical gates and proofreading mechanisms keep aberrant stimulation at bay until a threshold is overcome and the rapid condensation of signaling molecules drive downstream activation events. Live cell single molecule microscopy allows us to visualize these signaling molecules and precisely track how they organize and change depending on signal strength or after mutation of key sites of motif interactions. Our aim is to understand how costimulatory molecules, being the key targets of many immunotherapies, contribute to local biomolecular condensation dynamics during T cell activation.
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