Preparing your Application Materials for the On-Campus Interviewing Process
Start preparing your documents now so that you have plenty of time to perfect them. Always have your documents reviewed by someone else before submitting them. You can email your draft resume and cover letter to the CDO for review at any time (
Below is a list of application documents commonly requested by employers during the on-campus interview season:
Resume — Revise, update or create your legal resume. Keep in mind that, with a few exceptions, your resume should be limited to one page. Because you are currently in school, your education section should be first, starting with McGeorge and working backwards. For more information, use the CDO handout Legal Resume Writing (pdf).
Cover Letter — Employers tell us that they do pay attention to cover letters. The purpose of a cover letter is not only to let a potential employer know why they should read your resume and why they should interview you, but it also serves as an example of your written work product. A well written letter takes time to create, but if you put in the work it can give you the edge you need to secure an interview in today's competitive market. If you are unsure where to start, review the handout on Crafting Cover Letters (pdf) and contact the CDO.
Writing Sample — When it comes to choosing a writing sample, there are a few basic principles. First, it must be legal writing. For more basic principles, please read more in our Writing Samples handout (pdf). The CDO can review writing samples for basic formatting and grammar, and we can discuss which writing sample to use and what you need to include on your writing sample cover page. If you are interested in having the substance of your sample reviewed, we recommend that you contact your professor or McGeorge's Global Lawyering Skills Writing Tutor.
Official Transcript — For an official transcript, contact the Registrar's office for a copy.
References — Although not every employer requests references, we recommend that you prepare a list of at least three professional references (pdf) at the beginning of your job search.
Thank-you Note — Do I need to send thank-you notes? It is a good practice to send Click here (pdf) for more information on the importance of thank-you notes and how to craft a good one.