University of the Pacific leaders provide service to boards of directors of nonprofits, corporations and community organizations throughout Northern California, creating important community partnerships.

Stockton / San Joaquin County

OrganizationRolePacific Executive / Representative
Business Council of San JoaquinExecutive Committee MemberChristopher Callahan
Community Foundation of San JoaquinBoard of DirectorsJean Callahan
iHub San JoaquinBoard of Directors

Mary Lomax-Ghirarduzzi

Miracle Mile Improvement DistrictBoard of DirectorsJean Callahan
San Joaquin PartnershipChair, Board of DirectorsLewis Gale
San Joaquin Valley HealthForce PartnersBoard / Steering CommitteeNicoleta Bugnariu
United Way of San Joaquin CountyBoard of DirectorsJames Walsh
Visionary Home BuildersChairman, Board of DirectorsScott Biedermann
Visit StocktonVice PresidentWes Yourth


OrganizationRolePacific Executive / Representative
Valley VisionBoard of DirectorsChristopher Callahan

San Francisco

OrganizationRolePacific Executive / Representative
Bay Area CouncilBoard of DirectorsNader Nadershahi
San Francisco Chamber of CommerceBoard of DirectorsNader Nadershahi
San Francisco Contemporary Music PlayersVice PresidentPeter Witte
San Francisco Public Library CommissionCommissionerMary Lomax-Ghirarduzzi
San Francisco Interfaith CouncilBoard of DirectorsMary Lomax-Ghirarduzzi