Race, Inequality, and Law Series: Professor Juan Carlos Ibarra
Race, Inequality, and Law Series: Professor Juan Carlos Ibarra
05:00 p.m. - 06:00 p.m.
Please join Professor Juan Carlos Ibarra from the University of San Francisco School of Law for our next Race, Inequality and Law series "Antiracist Property: Reframing the Foundations of Property Law." Traditional approaches to studying property law often overlook the ways in which race and racism influence its foundational principles and treat property rules as race-neutral. In this lecture, Professor Juan Carlos Ibarra introduces an antiracist property framework that reframes the core concepts of property law through a race-conscious lens. The framework reveals how systemic racism operates in property law and challenges the colorblind ideologies that are commonly embedded in legal education. By reconsidering property law’s conceptual foundations, the antiracist property framework offers future attorneys a tool to better recognize and address racial inequality, ultimately contributing to the advancement of multiracial democracy. The event will be held in Classroom J (2nd Floor of Library).