Four faculty honored by alumni association for student mentorship

The 2024 Faculty Mentor Awards will be presented Sunday, Oct. 13.
Four current or emeriti faculty members who excel in mentoring students and encourage colleagues to do the same are recipients of the 2024 Faculty Mentor Awards from the Pacific Alumni Association.
The annual awards go to faculty who through their personal and professional relationships have mentored students directly or provided internships, career opportunities and scholarships.
The honorees are:
- Marcia Hernandez, professor and chair of sociology
- Derek Isetti ’08, associate professor and chair of speech-language pathology
- William Topp, professor emeritus of mathematics and computer science
- Linda Webster, professor emerita of educational and counseling psychology
“These prestigious awards acknowledge the time and dedication faculty mentors devote to foster students and alumni career development and academic success,” said Scott Biedermann ’05, ’20, vice president of development and alumni relations. “In addition, these awards allow alumni to honor and celebrate the valuable efforts of faculty members who embody the spirit of mentoring.”
The awards will be presented at a brunch Oct. 13, 2024, during Homecoming and Family Weekend.
“Faculty at Pacific are committed to the student-centric mission, and serving as a mentor to students is a key component,” said Gretchen Edwalds-Gilbert, provost and vice president for academic affairs. “The fact that alumni not only remember but can describe situations where the faculty member made a difference to them while a student and as alumni illustrates how valuable the relationships can be.”

Marcia Hernandez
Marcia Hernandez
Hernandez said her courses are built around the tenet that student-centered learning is “an avenue to student empowerment.”
Current and former students praise her for instilling critical thinking components into her courses and for her follow through to create long-lasting relationships with students.
“She is someone who made my time at Pacific possible. She was the first mentor I had and the first face that welcomed me as I transferred to Pacific,” Amber Darby-Glaenzer ’12 said in her nomination letter. “What a gratifying feeling it was to see a woman of color in higher education. This gave me a sense of belonging.
“Seeing someone who looks like family was key to my success at Pacific. She expanded my understanding of the world and gave me the courage to think critically.”

Derek Isetti
Derek Isetti
Philanthropy is a key part of the Faculty Mentor Awards, and Isetti showed his passion for supporting students by embracing Pacific Gives.
Isetti was one of four Pacificans who helped secure more than 500 donors for Pacific Gives 2023, accounting for 15% of the record-breaking number of donors in the annual one-day fundraising event.
Isetti joined event ambassadors Nicoleta Bugnariu (a dean), Dalee Higgins (a student-athlete) and Adam Reeves (a coach) to help make Pacific Gives a huge annual success.
“Derek has a dramatically positive impact at the university, in and out of the classroom,” Biedermann said. “His love for the university shows with his work on Pacific Gives.”
Isetti gave the “last lecture” at the 2021 Interfaith Baccalaureate Service.

William Topp (center)
William Topp
Professor Emeritus William Topp’s influence at Pacific is felt through his academic contributions and dedication to supporting students.
Topp's leadership galvanized the Emeriti Society and other supporters to contribute to the Pacific Student Emergency Fund for Pacific Gives, ensuring that students facing unforeseen financial crises receive timely assistance to continue their education without disruption.
The fund ensures that all Pacific students—undergraduates, graduates and professionals—have the resources to succeed academically despite personal challenges.
Topp also is known for his academic ingenuity and forward thinking.
“Dr. Topp was an exemplary professor at Pacific. He embodied great energy which he shared with his students,” said Lori Wrath ’85. “During my years at Pacific (1981-85), the computer science major was still in its infancy and part of the Department of Math in College of the Pacific. Dr. Topp infused classes with his teaching passion.”

Linda Webster
Linda Webster
For 26 years, Webster dedicated her professional life to Pacific, serving in roles that included faculty member, department chair, dean of graduate studies and two-time interim dean.
She was instrumental in preparing Benerd College during the merger of University College and the Gladys L. Benerd School of Education.
Her redesign of the Benerd student space created a hub where students meet to collaborate on projects, share experiences and spend time together.
“She was not just willing to help a few chosen students. She championed all her students,” said Kevin Smith ’99. “I know this because more than 20 years after I went through the program, my younger sister is saying the same things about her.
“She truly cares about students, as evidenced by the extra time she spends with them.”
In 2022, Webster received the Order of Pacific, the highest honor given by the university, in recognition of her years of dedication.