Course Description
Unit 1: Understanding the Role of the Supervisor
Covers the specifics of the supervisor's role and responsibilities, and strategies for improving your overall effectiveness as a leader. Discussion and workshop exercises illustrate ways to save time and effort by understanding the benefits of the functions of management and how to leverage each for maximum productivity. This training is a MUST for new and even experienced supervisors and managers.
Unit 2: Effective Delegation
Discusses the numerous benefits of delegation, why it is so hard for leaders to do effectively, and what you and your staff can gain from delegation. Exercises include practice using the 6-step Delegation Model. Students are encouraged to use any example from work they feel can help them improve their delegation skills.
Unit 3: Performance Management
Outlines how to identify, define, and address poor as well as proficient behaviors to facilitate maximum employee performance and engagement. Techniques include how to recognize problem behavior before it progresses, how to reward the right behavior, and ways to motivate strong performers other than pay.
Unit 4: Writing Performance Reviews
Demystifies the process by providing simple step-by-step methods for identifying what to include in a review, how to deal with specific performance issues, how to keep track of accomplishments and problems during the year, and motivate employees through goal setting, and how to deliver the review once it is complete.
Course Code: UCLP 150 (3.2 CEUs/32 HRCI)
Course Fee: Certificate/all courses $395 (3.2 CEUs/32 HRCI)