Working from home often comes with many distractions. However, follow the tips provided below to reduce those distractions when you are reading, working, and reviewing in order to be a successful online learner.
- Turn off the notifications on your cell phone; without an audible alert, you won’t feel encouraged to check your emails and/or social media accounts.
- Do not keep your email open while working online; the distraction of seeing and/or hearing emails arriving as you try to work will reduce your ability to focus.
- Talk to your family and/or roommates about a schedule. Try to agree on set quiet times when you can study and not be interrupted.
- Wear headphones to cancel out some of the noise around you. If you don’t have headphones, try putting on “white noise” or soothing music to cover some of the distracting noises in your household. There are many videos and apps you can find online for both. Remember that some music can be distracting, so try instrumental music.
- Wear earplugs (inexpensive and available commonly in stores).
- Ignore the need to multi-task! Watching a film or streaming YouTube videos or keeping your television on while you are trying to study will drastically reduce your comprehension and memory skills.
- Don’t answer the phone. If the phone rings, the caller will leave a message so you can call back at a later time! Don’t break up your study sessions to answer the phone and turn your ringer off to avoid the distraction.
- Try to work in a clear space; clutter also acts as a distraction.